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What our on-line students say:​

"I was so fortunate to complete a month of online learning with Maureen and Jose during our lockdown this year. We were not able to do the training live but I know how privileged I am to have joined the Herbal Path in such a unique and special way. I’m so lucky they were adaptable and made it possible. It was an experiment to see if it could be done but an experience that has transformed my relationship with plants and provided endless subject matter for my Art making. I enjoyed the format and being able to discover the local environment and feedback my findings was a really fun way to explore. Maureen’s knowledge is extensive and delivered with passion and enthusiasm. Our sessions were an hour long and I would often wish they were longer. I could listen to her for hours and hours. I love learning online while being comfortable in my home. An inspiring Woman and Teacher. My virtual apprenticeship was magical and will standout as this years highlight. I'm so grateful Maureen is providing online offerings it means I can continue my Herbal Path with her where ever I am. Thank you Maureen and Jose I’m looking forward to more and more and more..."

N.S. UK/Portugal Sept 2020

"Maureen is incredibly knowledgeable in so many different areas of the plant world along with life in general. I loved taking part of her wisdom. While she speaks and shares I feel as if she is manifesting, expressing and weaving the threads between the many different realms of life. From the very material, scientific and tangible to the more abstract areas beyond our consciousness. 

It was a real privilege to have Maureen's guidance during that one month over the internet. The plant study and the sessions/lessons were all such a beautiful experience. It is clear that she has spent a whole lot of time together with and in the study of plants, both in themselves and in relation to humans. 

I am wishing and looking forward to continuing my plant journey with Maureen as a guide and mentor."

N.O. Sweden Oct 2020

Hello dear Maureen and Zé,

I just feel complete gratitude for the amazing days we had, loved all of the beautiful people that shared this path, learned sooooo much, felt like a kid excited about everything, curious and really taking everything in...

Your dedication, hard work and passion is so visible for me and incredibly inspiring.

Thank you for teaching me through nature of the plants to find my own nature which is all one...

Keep sharing this inspiring work, people and knowledge, Always!!!

Love M.D. (Portugal) Herbal Path Participant 2018

Dear Maureen, dear Jose

First of all thank you for being such amazing teachers and beautiful people! Sharing your space and being patient, understanding.. a never ending list. 

The Herbal Apprenticeship and Herbal Path were life changing for me. The amazing teachings by Maureen, Jose and the guest teachers transformed me into my true self. I feel deeply connected to the nature like a door to a new world opened. I left the farm full of new knowledge. The way Maureen and Jose shared their home with us was so warm hearted, respectful and welcoming, they never stop creating more wonderful space. Thank your for the plants, the temple and our little houses. I am looking forward to the next teachings I will experience with you!

S.H. (Germany/Portugal) Apprentice April/May 2018

I received nothing but welcoming care & compassion while attending the program.


The energy of Melilotus is sublime.

The food was cleansing and delicious.

The company was top notch.

The plants were vibrant and plentiful.


I hope to make it back soon to learn more from both local and international herbalists.


So much gratitude for not only the teachers but the whole team who works hard and with such calm joy to create a blissful learning environment.

Muito Obrigada!

O.F. (USA/Portugal) Herbal Path Participant 2018

Thank you so much for my time

with you - it's still all sinking in,

but I think it will be life changing.


My partner noticed the difference in me

already and is delighted :-)

I just need to make sure it continues.

All my love to you and Jose, and also

to the dogs - they were all wonderfulxxx


C.H. (UK) Herbal Path Teacher 2017 &

Herbal Path Participant 2018

Dear Maureen and Zé, 


Thanks so much for the email and picture! 

and thank you SO MUCH for this Herbal Path, for the work we have made together, the connexion and the growth that it has brought to me.. 

I have felt very peaceful and grateful after our Path together, as it has brought some clarity, cleaning and learning in an intuitive and beautiful way. The beauty of the place and the dedication of you, Maureen and José, does add a lot to the experience! 

I would also say that one of the (many) highlights of the 4 days has been the first day of Intuitive Communication with Plants focusing on Tobacco plant : as a herbalist, I never really had such a deep and intuitive experience with a plant , and it has changed the way I interract with them since then.. 


All the best for the summer coming! and have a well deserved rest.. ;) 



L.M.  :)  (France) Herbal Path Participant 2018

Thanks so much for this last month. What a journey ! Wow!


It's good to now the space to integrate.


Lots of love!! Hope you guys enjoy your own time now & reap everything you have sown. You have both created a magical space for lots of healing to take place...very impressive! & credit to you both.  


I feel honoured to know you both & look forward to the next time we meet. Whenever/wherever that shall be :-)



R.D. (Scotland) 2nd time Apprentice Sept/Oct 2017 & Apr/May 2018

I came to this Apprenticeship seeking clarity on my life path, an enriched connection with nature and an extended time in a healing environment. I felt the call of the herbs, and i listened! My time with Jose and Maureen fulfilled these needs, and additionally brought me learning and connection that I never could have imagined.


I felt so instantly at home in the program; like I was with family. Every person I met along the way had something beautiful to teach me. I was surrounded by humans living with love and authenticity and care for our mother earth. A beautiful place for 24 year old me to find role models and life-inspiration. As in any community living experience, there were moments of chaos, and we worked through them… a demonstration of both the challenges and rewards of community living. I had a strong sense that in doing this work, we were forging the path for future generations, to set an example of how a diverse group can learn and live together. 


It was a gift to be a student of Maureen. She drilled in the understanding that to help a client heal with herbs, we have to consider them as multidimensional, complex organisms, (rather than perhaps looking at one symptom, the allopathic model). The world of herbs is abundant and the practice of working with clients to meet their needs is truly an art. I think Maureen is especially skilled at communicating how all of the pieces of this art work together: how to consider the clients constitution, the pattern and quality of the disease or imbalance, the scientific effect these herbs can have in the physical body, and the spiritual and energetic effect as well. I leave inspired to continue learning and become a practitioner one day. 


Meanwhile, Jose’s presence, as a deeply sincere and kind human, was healing in and of itself. In his lessons we explored sound healing and its connection to the aromas of essential oils. Some really beautiful music organically arose from the day, and powerful healing too.  


I quickly fell in love with the land, the humans, and the learning and would not trade my experience for anything! I leave with a renewed connection to the elements, feeling centered in the clarity and wisdom of mother nature. Thank you to all the myriad of forces that made this month possible and for all the growth it has brought me. So much gratitude, and love love love! 

Kate, (USA)  Apprentice Mar/Apr 2017

This weekend, I made a journey to a special plant. As I  travelled along side the plant, I opened myself to it and in turn, I am opened more by these plants. I allow them to open up to me, as I expose my inner self and I listen to the messages that come from this communication with plants. It's a beautiful process about: Opening - freeing - receiving- delivering - LOVING - listening - intuiting - feeling- expressing - analysing.

Neste fim de semana, fiz uma viagem até à planta e viajei com a planta Abro-me e sou aberta pelas plantas Permito que elas se abram a mim Dispo-me e escuto as mensagens que vêm desta comunicação com as plantas É um lindo processo de: Abrir – libertar – receber – entregar - AMAR – escutar - intuir – sentir – expressar – analisar – materializar – partilhar

                                                   Rita Portugal 2015

Very happy with your training - thank you all so much! Really want to stay in Portugal for continuing what I’ve learned and making the hydrosols etc… Of course can do so in Holland but different ;-)


Hope to see you again

Gerja (Holland/Portugal) Herbal Path Participant 2017 & 2018

Hello Maureen and Jose

I had the most wonderful time with you - potentially life changing - making me slow down work and enjoy life more. So very many thanks to you both for allowing me to come and share it with you. It was a great bunch of people, everyone caring about everyone else....brilliant.

much love


Christine Herbal Path Participant 2018

Olá Maureen and José,

I hope you have regained a bit of space and rest after the long journey that the herbal path was.

I am still drifting on the waves of knowledge and love that shaped the sand. Knowing beforehand

that would be something revealing never imagined to be so grandious. Once again thank you for all the effort 

you put into setting up the right intentions that called up the right elements.

We are also thinking about going back in September, I will write to you as soon as the picture is more complete. If by

chance you find your way up north, let us know, we would love to have you here!


Rita Portugal Herbal Path Participant 2016

Hello beautiful people and thank you

also for making my life better.

You are all connected in my heart.

Pedro (Portugal) Apprentice Mar/Apr 2017

Contact Us:

Tel(pt): +351934356547


Location​​​​​​: Melilotus Herb Farm
Lagos, Portugal

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