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Programme for Taster Apprenticeship Week in Healing Herbs and Medicine Music
Arrive Sun 14th April 6pm depart Sun 21st April 2019
Quinta Melilotus Herb Farm, near Lagos

Programme for The Spring Apprenticeship in Healing Herbs and Medicine Music Taster Week 2019 with Maureen Robertson Medical Herbalist, Jose Melo Musician & Song Writer

Sun 14th April New Beginnings

Arrive and settle in. Introduction to fellow apprentices and into the workings of the programme and the farm.  Please bring any instruments you would like to have with you to contribute to any musical sharings.


Mon 15th April Tutorial Day 1 led by Maureen

Goethean Approach to Plant Study

Walk around the land. Introduction to Plant Communication based on Goethe's approach. Meditations and blind tea tasting. Choosing of your plant ally which you will work with over the next few weeks with an informal presentation on the final tutorial day.

Tues 16th April Garden Time 

Morning in the Garden meeting our cultivated plants. Introduction to practical Veganic Gardening.Harvesting, pruning, cleaning and making beautiful preparations from our gatherings.


Weds 17th April Tutorial Day 2 led by Maureen


The Digestive Processes and Solar Plexus. Food as Medicine and Nutrition including preparation of living and superfoods for optimum health. Minerals, salts and structure: the Muscular-Skeletal system. Herb Tasting and Pharmacy – Making practical herbal preparations


Thurs 18th April Tutorial Day 3 led by Jose


Focusing specifically on the high vibration frequencies of the aromatic essential oil containing herbs, we will translate these healing frequencies into musical resonance using our voices, different instruments with Nature sounds as our backdrop and base.

Fri 19th April

Free day to work with your plant and integration. 

Sat 20th April Tutorial Day 4 led by Maureen 


Principles of Cleansing and Detox. Herbs for the Urinary, Lymphatic and Reproductive systems. Herb Tasting and Pharmacy – Making practical herbal preparations.

Sun 21st April Tutorial Day 5 led by Maureen


Botanical Identification, leaf sequences. Introduction to herbs for the Skin and massage using essential oils and infused oils. Herb tasting and Pharmacy for the Respiratory and Immune Systems.

End of the Taster Apprenticeship,  Final integrations & Final Ceremony.


630 euros incl 7 nights accommodation, all meals and medicine making materials for preparations to take home. Each tutorial day can be taken as individual days at 45 euros/day including lunch and all medicine making materials).


Longer Stay

There is the possibility of staying on longer at extra cost for accommodation (35 euros/night) and meals (Breakfast 5 euros, lunch and dinner 10 euros each) if you would like to stay on for the Herbal Path Course Sat 4th May - Sun 12th May.

herbs gathered from herbwalk 18.jpg
Contact Us:

Tel(pt): +351934356547


Location​​​​​​: Melilotus Herb Farm
Lagos, Portugal

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