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Programme for The Herbal Path Spring Tutorials

Fri 9th to Fri 30th April 2021
Melilotus Herb Farm, near Lagos

Thurs 8th April Pop up Plant Study Experience! 

Plant Study day on Esteva/Gummed Rock Rose with Maureen

Morning 10-1pm @ 30 euros Meeting the Essence of this iconic Portuguese Plant. Includes meeting the plant in their habitat, Meditation, botanical drawing, tea tasting and medicine making.


Fri 9th April Tutorial Day 1 led by Maureen

Morning 10-1pm @ 35 euros: EARTH CONSTITUTIONAL TYPES, their tendencies to imbalance & which type of herbs, nutrition & lifestyle practices can help. We will be using case histories to illustrate and you can bring one of your own for us to interprete. We will be tasting an Earth Balancing herb tea.

For an extra 10 euros we continue 2-4pm with making herbal preparations.


Sat 10th April Tutorial Day 2 led by Maureen

Morning 10-1pm @ 35 euros: WATER CONSTITUTIONAL TYPES, their tendencies to imbalance & which type of herbs, nutrition & lifestyle practices can help. We will be using case histories to illustrate and you can bring one of your own for us to interprete. We will be tasting a Water Balancing herb tea.

For an extra 10 euros we continue 2-4pm with making herbal preparations.

Tues 13th April Field Trip 1

We explore the most south west point of mainland Europe, walk some of the cliff paths and meet some of the unique plants of the Atlantic western seaboard. Bring a packed lunch and strong walking shoes.

Fri 16th April Tutorial Day 3 led by Maureen 

Morning 10-1pm @ 35 euros: AIR CONSTITUTIONAL TYPES, their tendencies to imbalance & which type of herbs, nutrition & lifestyle practices can help. We will be using case histories to illustrate and you can bring one of your own for us to interprete. We will be tasting an Air Balancing herb tea.

For an extra 10 euros we continue 2-4pm with making herbal preparations.

Sat 17th April Tutorial Day 4 led by Maureen

Morning 10-1pm @ 35 euros: FIRE CONSTITUTIONAL TYPES, their tendencies to imbalance & which type of herbs, nutrition & lifestyle practices can help. We will be using case histories to illustrate and you can bring one of your own for us to interprete. We will be tasting a Fire Balancing herb tea.

For an extra 10 euros we continue 2-4pm with making herbal preparations.

Tues 20th April Tutorial Day 5 Plant Study day on Rosmaninho/Topped Lavender with Maureen

Morning 10-1pm @ 30 euros Working with Topped Lavender to illustrate Goethe's method. Meditation, botanical drawing, tea tasting.

Fri 23rd April Tutorial Day 6 with Maureen


Shamanic Processes and Plant Ally Meditation. Plant Intelligence and the Psycho-Spiritual System. Herb Tasting and Pharmacy. We will be making energetic template drawings to anchor your Intention into the world and making a flower essence of your plant ally.

Sat 24th April Tutorial Day 7 led by Maureen

Morning to prepare final presentation on your plant and afternoon to share in the group.


Tues 27th April Field Trip 2 to Monchique mountains

We will be collecting fresh spring water from source and visiting natural swimming pools.

Sat 1st May Tutorial Day 8 led by Jose


Morning 10-1pm:
Healing Essence of Music. Exercises With Soundscapes. Introduction to Essential Oils.
The Melodies of Essential Oils. Blending Essential Oils.
Afternoon 2-4pm:
Music and Plants. The Astral or Emotional Body. Introduction to the Chakras.
Exercise with Chakra Soundscapes.

**INDIVIDUAL TUTORIAL DAYS CAN BE TAKEN SEPARATELY FOR LOCAL PEOPLE @ 45 EUROS/DAY We will be making medicines to take home. Bring your own lunch.**

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Contact Us:

Tel(pt): +351934356547


Location​​​​​​: Melilotus Herb Farm
Lagos, Portugal

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